
Welcome to the Essex Egyptology Group. We have a varied programme of monthly talks alternating between online and in person. Visit our Meetings page to view our 2024 programme and our Membership page for details on how to become a member.

Next meeting: Sunday 4 August, 15.00 BST

Excavating the City of the Snake Goddess: Tell Nabasha with Dr Nicky Nielsen

Date: Sunday 4 August, 15.00 BST
Location: Online on Zoom
Tickets: Free for members | £6 guests. Guests should book in advance online.

Dr Nielsen has conducted excavations at Tell Nabasha in the northeastern Nile Delta, and also works on a project focusing on the 1886 excavations of the site by the British archaeologist Flinders Petrie.

Formed in 2005, the Essex Egyptology group has a varied membership which enjoys a stimulating programme of talks.  Speakers have included Rosalind Janssen, Dr Aidan Dodson and Dr Elena Pischikova. To learn more about us please see our other pages on this site.