About Us

Formed in 2005, Essex Egyptology Group members and visitors enjoy a stimulating programme of talks and occasional study days and workshops.

Our monthly talks alternate between in person and Zoom with membership options allowing for either option or both.

Our Zoom talks occasionally allow us to have overseas speakers reporting from site with their latest research. Speakers have included Egyptologists reporting on their own projects, such as Dr Renee Friedman (excavations at Hierakonpolis), Professor Aidan Dodson, who regularly gives us a talk on his latest book, speakers from leading universities and Egyptological institutions (including Dr Nigel Strudwick from Cambridge University, and Dr Carl Graves from the Egypt Exploration Society), as well as PhD candidates presenting the latest research in Egyptology, independent researchers (eg. Dylan Bickerstaffe, Lee Young) and Inspectors from the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities.

Our website is updated regularly, and there you can find reviews of past talks as well as forthcoming events which can be booked via our Eventbrite page.

The group has a number of active social media pages, providing not only details of our own events but also those of other groups and organisations:

One of our core aims is to offer support for ongoing research and excavations, and due to the generous support of members, the group has an annual grants programme, details of which can be seen on the grants tab.

The social side of the Group’s activities is also important and our in-person meetings feature refreshments and delicious home-made cakes and a regular book sale during the mid-talk break.

The Essex Egyptology Group gives you the opportunity to make contact with people who share a passion for Egypt and to extend your knowledge in a congenial atmosphere.