Talk: The 2025 season of the Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project with Dr. Peter J. Brand
Date: Sunday 1 June, 15.00
Location: Online on Zoom
Free for members. A zoom link will be sent to members shortly before 1 June.
£6 for guests: book in advance via Eventbrite. Eventbrite link to be shared soon.
Talk information
This talk will give an update on the 2025 season of the Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project, with Project Director Dr Peter J Brand.
The Karnak Great Hypostyle Hall Project is a joint endeavor between the University of Memphis, in Memphis, Tennessee (U.S.A.), and the Université de Québec à Montréal (Canada). The Project work in cooperation with Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Centre Franco-égyptien d’études des temples de Karnak (France).
The project has three closely related aims:
- To make a complete scientific record of all the hieroglyphic texts and relief carvings from the Hypostyle Hall.
- To make these inscriptions widely available to scientists and the world- wide public through traditional publications and via digital technologies like the internet.
- To conduct scholarly research and analysis of the Hypostyle Hall to better understand those aspects of Egyptian civilization reflected in its inscriptions, including its history, religion, politics, society, and culture.
Dr Peter J Brand is Associate professor of Ancient History and Egyptology at the University of Memphis. His doctoral dissertation at the University of Toronto, 1998, focused on the monuments of Seti I, including the Great Hypostyle Hall. His ongoing research interests include epigraphy, New Kingdom monumental architecture and Ramesside history. He served as Project epigraphist and artist 1994-2000 and became Project Director in 2001 after the death of the founding Director, Dr. William J. Murnane.