Talk: The Afterlives of Senenmut with Dr Campbell Price
Date: Sunday 5 October, 15.00
Location: Online on Zoom
Free for members. A zoom link will be sent to members shortly before 5 October.
£6 for guests: book in advance via Eventbrite. Eventbrite link to be shared soon.
Talk information
Senenmut was one of ancient Egypt’s most famous personalities: chief official and possible lover of Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt’s female pharaoh. He held a vast range of titles, making him something of an ancient Egyptian “Pooh-bah”. Most significantly his title of “Overseer of all royal works” allowed him exceptional access to resources with which to monumentalise himself, including two tombs and many other inscribed objects.
More statues are known for Senenmut than for any other non-royal of the New Kingdom, implying his exceptional status during life. Recently, an unassuming stone fragment in the Manchester Museum, UK, proved the existence of yet another statue of Senenmut. This lecture will reevaluate his monumental corpus, and attempt to explain the significance of the man, his monuments, and legacy.
Dr Campbell Price received a BA, MA and PhD in Egyptology from the University of Liverpool, where now he is an Honorary Research Fellow. Since 2011, he has been Curator of Egypt and Sudan at Manchester Museum, part of the University of Manchester, one of the UK’s largest Egyptology collections. Campbell has undertaken fieldwork in Egypt at the sites of Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham, Saqqara and at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. He has published widely on ancient Egyptian material culture and its interpretation. Recent books include The High Steward Senenmut: His Life and Afterlife and (with Greg Jenner) Totally Chaotic History: Ancient Egypt Gets Unruly. He has lectured extensively throughout the UK, and internationally, and regularly comments and advises on Egyptological themes for TV and radio.